Recently, a surge of high-quality 3D-aware GANs have been proposed, which leverage the generative power of neural rendering. It is natural to associate 3D GANs with GAN inversion methods to project a real image into the generator's latent space, allowing free-view consistent synthesis and editing, referred as 3D GAN inversion. Although with the facial prior preserved in pre-trained 3D GANs, reconstructing a 3D portrait with only one monocular image is still an ill-pose problem. The straightforward application of 2D GAN inversion methods focuses on texture similarity only while ignoring the correctness of 3D geometry shapes. It may raise geometry collapse effects, especially when reconstructing a side face under an extreme pose. Besides, the synthetic results in novel views are prone to be blurry. In this work, we propose a novel method to promote 3D GAN inversion by introducing facial symmetry prior. We design a pipeline and constraints to make full use of the pseudo auxiliary view obtained via image flipping, which helps obtain a robust and reasonable geometry shape during the inversion process. To enhance texture fidelity in unobserved viewpoints, pseudo labels from depth-guided 3D warping can provide extra supervision. We design constraints aimed at filtering out conflict areas for optimization in asymmetric situations. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on image reconstruction and editing demonstrate the superiority of our method.
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Dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to convert the dialogue history into dialogue states which consist of slot-value pairs. As condensed structural information memorizing all history information, the dialogue state in the last turn is typically adopted as the input for predicting the current state by DST models. However, these models tend to keep the predicted slot values unchanged, which is defined as state momentum in this paper. Specifically, the models struggle to update slot values that need to be changed and correct wrongly predicted slot values in the last turn. To this end, we propose MoNET to tackle state momentum via noise-enhanced training. First, the previous state of each turn in the training data is noised via replacing some of its slot values. Then, the noised previous state is used as the input to learn to predict the current state, improving the model's ability to update and correct slot values. Furthermore, a contrastive context matching framework is designed to narrow the representation distance between a state and its corresponding noised variant, which reduces the impact of noised state and makes the model better understand the dialogue history. Experimental results on MultiWOZ datasets show that MoNET outperforms previous DST methods. Ablations and analysis verify the effectiveness of MoNET in alleviating state momentum and improving anti-noise ability.
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CNN-based surrogates have become prevalent in scientific applications to replace conventional time-consuming physical approaches. Although these surrogates can yield satisfactory results with significantly lower computation costs over small training datasets, our benchmarking results show that data-loading overhead becomes the major performance bottleneck when training surrogates with large datasets. In practice, surrogates are usually trained with high-resolution scientific data, which can easily reach the terabyte scale. Several state-of-the-art data loaders are proposed to improve the loading throughput in general CNN training; however, they are sub-optimal when applied to the surrogate training. In this work, we propose SOLAR, a surrogate data loader, that can ultimately increase loading throughput during the training. It leverages our three key observations during the benchmarking and contains three novel designs. Specifically, SOLAR first generates a pre-determined shuffled index list and accordingly optimizes the global access order and the buffer eviction scheme to maximize the data reuse and the buffer hit rate. It then proposes a tradeoff between lightweight computational imbalance and heavyweight loading workload imbalance to speed up the overall training. It finally optimizes its data access pattern with HDF5 to achieve a better parallel I/O throughput. Our evaluation with three scientific surrogates and 32 GPUs illustrates that SOLAR can achieve up to 24.4X speedup over PyTorch Data Loader and 3.52X speedup over state-of-the-art data loaders.
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尽管变形金刚在段落的生成中取得了重大成功,但它们将句子视为令牌的线性序列,并且经常忽略其层次结构信息。先前的工作表明,输入令牌分解粒度〜(例如,单词,短语或句子)的水平已产生实质性改进,这表明可以通过更细粒度的粒度建模来增强变形金刚。在这项工作中,我们提出了粒度生成(C-DNPG)的粒度连续分解。为了有效地将粒度纳入编码句子中,C-DNPG引入了一种粒度感知的注意力(GA-注意)机制,该机制扩展了多头自我注意力,以:1)自动渗透句子的粒度头,该机制自动渗透了句子的等级结构通过神经估计每个输入令牌的粒度水平; 2)两个新的注意力面膜,即粒度共振和粒度范围,以有效地将粒度编码为注意力。在两个基准测试的实验(包括Quora问题对和Twitter URL)上表明,C-DNPG的表现优于基线模型,而在许多指标方面,C-DNPG的基线模型优于基线模型。定性分析表明,C-DNPG确实具有有效性捕获细粒度的粒度水平。
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由于其广泛的应用,例如自动驾驶,机器人技术等,认识到Point Cloud视频的人类行为引起了学术界和行业的极大关注。但是,当前的点云动作识别方法通常需要大量的数据,其中具有手动注释和具有较高计算成本的复杂骨干网络,这使得对现实世界应用程序不切实际。因此,本文考虑了半监督点云动作识别的任务。我们提出了一个蒙版的伪标记自动编码器(\ textbf {Maple})框架,以学习有效表示,以较少的注释以供点云动作识别。特别是,我们设计了一个新颖有效的\ textbf {de}耦合\ textbf {s} patial- \ textbf {t} emporal trans \ textbf {pert}(\ textbf {destbrof {destformer})作为maple的backbone。在Destformer中,4D点云视频的空间和时间维度被脱钩,以实现有效的自我注意,以学习长期和短期特征。此外,要从更少的注释中学习判别功能,我们设计了一个蒙版的伪标记自动编码器结构,以指导Destformer从可用框架中重建蒙面帧的功能。更重要的是,对于未标记的数据,我们从分类头中利用伪标签作为从蒙版框架重建功能的监督信号。最后,全面的实验表明,枫树在三个公共基准上取得了优异的结果,并且在MSR-ACTION3D数据集上以8.08 \%的精度优于最先进的方法。
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当前的点云检测方法由于其有限的概括能力而难以检测现实世界中的开放式摄制对象。此外,收集和注释带有许多类别的对象的点云检测数据集和完全注释点云检测数据集非常艰辛,而且昂贵 - 云检测。据我们所知,我们是第一个研究开放式3D点云检测问题的问题。我们没有寻求带有完整标签的点云数据集,而是求助于ImagEnet1k,以扩大点云检测器的词汇。我们建议使用图像级的类监督OV-3DETIC,这是一种开放式摄影3D检测器。具体而言,我们利用了两种模式,即用于识别的图像模态和定位的点云模态,以生成看不见类的伪标签。然后,我们提出了一种新颖的跨模式对比度学习方法,将知识从图像模态转移到训练过程中的点云模态。 OV-3Detic在不损害推理期间的延迟的情况下使点云检测器能够实现开放式摄影检测。广泛的实验表明,所提出的OV-3DETIC分别在Sun-RGBD数据集和Scannet数据集上分别在SUN-RGBD数据集和扫描仪数据集上分别实现了至少10.77%的地图改进(绝对值)和9.56%的地图改进(绝对值)。此外,我们进行了足够的实验,以阐明为什么提出的OV-3Detic作品。
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通过确保学习算法中的差异隐私,可以严格降低大型模型记忆敏感培训数据的风险。在本文中,我们为此目的研究了两种算法,即DP-SGD和DP-NSGD,它们首先剪辑或归一化\ textIt \ textIt {每样本}梯度以绑定灵敏度,然后添加噪声以使精确信息混淆。我们通过两个常见的假设分析了非凸优化设置中这两种算法的收敛行为,并实现了$ \ nathcal {o} \ left(\ sqrt [4] {\ frac {\ frac {d \ log(1/\ delta) )} {n^2 \ epsilon^2}} \ right)$ $ d $ - 二维模型,$ n $ samples和$(\ epsilon,\ delta)$ - dp,它改进了以前的改进在较弱的假设下的界限。具体而言,我们在DP-NSGD中引入了一个正规化因素,并表明它对融合证明至关重要,并巧妙地控制了偏见和噪声权衡。我们的证明故意处理针对私人环境指定的按样本梯度剪辑和标准化。从经验上讲,我们证明这两种算法达到了相似的最佳准确性,而DP-NSGD比DP-SGD更容易调整,因此在计算调整工作时可能有助于进一步节省隐私预算。
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